






Dr Maxine Newlands (BA (Hons), MA, PhD, FHEA) is a political scientist and policy analyst, currently based at the Australian Academy of Science.

Maxine is an advisor to governments and holds a number of roles with the Department of Climate change, Energy, Environment and Water; the United Nations Environment Program, Queensland Department of Environment and Science, the International Coral Reef Inititative and the Australian Political Studies Association, Environmental Politics and Policy specialist group.

Maxine is an Adjunct Principle Research Fellow at The Cairns Institute where she is Director of the Blue Humanities Lab. Maxine is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Centre for Policy Futures, University of Queensland.

Current / previous leadership roles include

  • Co-lead on the Reef Restoration and Adaptation, Regulatory subprogram
  • Led author on the 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement on Reef water quality
  • Founder of the Blue Humanities Lab, TCI
  • Co-convenor of the Women of the Reef professional network
  • Managment team member for the Australian Citizen Science Association


Often quoted in the media, Maxine has been regular political correspondent for ABC North Queensland since 2020, and other media commentary can be found here.


Research Interests

Political science; Climate change adaptation and governance; Global Environmental Governance; Regulating emerging and novel technologies Decarbonisation regulation and policy design; Social and climate justice; Marine and environmental social science

Research Data
Research Collaborators and Partners
Monash Health


Teaching Interests

Environmental politics and policy development Climate change policy Democracy, power and social justice Environmental political economy Political communication Social network analysis

Current JCU Research Students
Mobilising Communities for Reef Restoration and Stewardship
Doctorate by Research - time-based
When do Scientists become Advocates? The Blurred line between Science and Advocacy and the Role of Social Media
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Oil, Fisheries and Coastal livelihoods: A Political Ecology of Coastal Governance in Niger Delta, Nigeria
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Investigating the challenges and needs of small island developing states to develop improved processes for the monitoring of fouling marine invasive species
Doctorate by Research - time-based
Completed JCU Research Students
Connecting to nature in the digital age: A cross-cultural study of pro-environmental individuals in the United States and in Australia
Doctorate by Research - time-based- 2022
Mapping connection, disconnection and power within the social news media network: A Case Study of the Great Barrier Reef UNESCO 2021 ‘In Danger’ Recommendation on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook
Masters by Research - time-based- 2022




Dyer, M.; Newlands, M.; Bradshaw, E.; Hernandez, S. (2021) Stewardship for the Great Barrier Reef: a. Townsville, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Hein, Margaux; Staub, francis; Banaszack, Anastazia; Dallison, Thomas; Deri, Wilfrid; Grimsditch, Ga...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, M.; Mahony, T.; Bohensky, E.; Lubicz, C. (2021) Understanding the Influence of Media Narra. Townsville, QLD, Australia: ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2012) Green Britannia: deconstructing 'Team Green Britain' and the London 2012 Oly. Illinois, USA: [Non-Research Book Chapter] ...
Other Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Dodd, Andrew; English, Peter; Lidberg, Johan; Newlands, Maxine (2021) 'Training political reporters . Journal of University Teach, 18 (4). ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Lloyd, Rohan; Newlands, Maxine; Petray, Theresa (2017) 'Coral Battleground? Re-examining the 'Save t. Environmental Sociology, 3 (1):54-63. [DOI] ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
M'Balla-Ndi, Marie; Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'Talanoa and Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action: . Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 15 (2):68-81. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'From hyperlink to ink: media tactics and protest strategies of the UK radic. V :45-51. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'Green Britannia: deconstructing 'Team Green Britain' and the London 2012 Ol. International Journal of Sport and Society, 1 (3):185-194. ...
Journal Publication ResearchOnline@JCU
McLeod, Ian; Newlands, Maxine (2020) 'Coral restoration in a warming world' The Marine Biologist, 14 (April) :26-29. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2017) 'Ecologist special report: the world's leading coral reef scientist says onl The Ecologist, 17th March 2017 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2017) 'Australian Government and UNESCO are oceans apart on climate change and the The Ecologist, 12th June 2017 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'Nannalution gathers pace: Australia's knitting nannas activists and the ant Resurgence & Ecologist, . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'Australian climate sceptics challenge clean energy plan' The Ecologist, 28 July 2017 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2016) 'The Great Barrier Reef's future is as uncertain as the Australian Prime Min The Ecologist, 13 July 2016 :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Book review of Explorations in Media Ecology, Vol. 13, No. 1 edited by Paul Media International Australia, 155 :162-162. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Pacific Islands heading for 100% renewable energy' The Ecologist, 28 May 2015 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2015) 'Book review of Heidegger and the Media by David Gunkel and Paul Taylor. Th Media International Australia, 154 :149-150. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2014) 'Are universities turning into giant newsrooms?' The Conversation, 11 February 2014 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2014) 'Great Barrier Reef coal port challenged' The Ecologist, 6 May 2014 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Emissions trading schemes are fraught territory: is Rudd ready?' The Conversation, 14 July 2013 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'We will save the reef: Great Barrier Reef at risk from fossil fuel extracti The Ecologist, :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'What haunts the Captain of the Rainbow Warrior?' The Ecologist, :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Contesting capital in neoliberal times: innovation, resilience and conformi Resilience, 1 (1) :76-81. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'New Australian Prime Ministers' anti-environmental agenda' The Ecologist, 20 September 2013 :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Conservationist Bob Irwin joins battle to save the Great Barrier Reef from The Ecologist, :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'Bottoms up! 'Head in sand salute' is the new climate protest' The Ecologist, 10 December 2013 . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2013) 'New media and political participation: searching for the passion in protest New Media and Society, 15 (8) :1393-1398. [DOI] ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'Australian eco-protest camp destroyed in arson attack' The Ecologist, 8 October 2012 :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2012) 'One of the world's oldest tribes halts dam construction' The Ecologist, 6 November 2012 :1-1. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2010) 'Come together: professional practice and radical protest' Proof 2010: Journalists Defending Journalism, 2 (2) :1-5. ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2010) 'It may not wash off: unforeseen liabilities of claiming the 'greenest games Rising East, 2 (1) . ...
Journal Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Durant, Brooke; Newlands, Maxine (2019) Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2019 Wh A...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2019) Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2019 Great Barrier Reef Adelaide, SA, Aus...
Conference Contribution ResearchOnline@JCU
Newlands, Maxine (2018) Environmental activism and the media: the politics of protest. New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang. ...